Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Remove Windows 7 Activation Message

I am revealing this to you to show you how to silence your window activation message ,can be disheartening when you are at a presentation slide and the pop up shows up.
I suggest you have your own activation key but this will help you for some little while.
  • Step 1: The first step is to pressing the Windows Key present on the left hand side of the keyboard. You can also simply click on the start button. Either way the start menu will appear once you do one of the above mentioned two things.
  • Step 2: Once the start option shows up go to the run option. Click on the run option. When you click on the run option, the run window will appear.
  • Step 3: Once the run window appears after clicking on the run option, you have to type “cmd” in it.CMD is the command to open the command prompt window. After typing cmd in the run window press enter and the command prompt window will open.
  • Step 4: Once the cmd window opens right click on it. After the right click options appear, you have to choose the option of “Run as Administrator”. This option will give you extended privileges to make changes to your system. Make sure you run your cmd window as administrator otherwise the removal process for genuine Windows 7 will not be successful.
  • Step 5: The fifth step is typing the following command in the cmd window: “slmgr -rearm”. Remember the space between the slmgr and – in the command you are typing. Without the space cmd won’t recognize the command. After you have successfully typed this command, press enter.
  • Step 6: A new message box appears after clicking enter. You have to click “ok” on this message.
  • Step 7: The last step is restarting your computer system. When your PC is starting another message will show up. This message will ask you to activate your Window. For now click on the “cancel” option on the message box. Your system continues to start and you have very successfully removed the genuine Windows 7 from your PC. Congratulations!

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